This weekend marked a momentous occasion in our house- Nicole got her ears pierced! On Tuesday she mentioned wanting to have it done and then on Saturday morning she asked Ryan and I. We had been waiting for her to want to do it- once she turned 5 we said that she could do it but she kept putting it of (“till I’m 8” she’d say). But Saturday morning she woke up wanting to get it done. Once we gave the ok, she herded Nate and Lauren into their rooms to get dressed so we could get going. She was extremely excited. And she was quite the champ- she brought her beloved Rabbie with her to snuggle with but no tears dropped from her eyes. She was a stud! Here is a photo documentary of the happenings…
Nicole super stoked on the way to get her ears pierced!!!
The worst it got. No tears, no wailing! She was stronger than her mother!!
My favorite picture- Nicole beaming with pride, Daddy holding his baby girl in his comforting arms and a bag that declares to the world what just happened.
My baby and me.

My favorite picture- Nicole beaming with pride, Daddy holding his baby girl in his comforting arms and a bag that declares to the world what just happened.

It was a little odd going to be that night thinking that my baby girl now has pierced ears, something that, in my mind, marks a little more mature stage. I sure do love this thing called life that the Lord has allowed me. I am blessed and enjoy these little moments.