Wednesday, August 13, 2008

T-minus 5 days...

In five days I will be taking my children to kindergarten; them with their little backpacks, me with an entire box of tissues! I am excited but more so overwhelmed and nostalgic. I've tried not thinking about it over the summer but as the day approaches, I'm filled with sappy moments and random crying bouts. I'm not really sure why either! Some of it are my fears, but most, I guess, is the fact that this is one of the marks in their maturity. They are growing up! (You say, "No, duh! It happens to all of us!" I say "Just wait till it's your kid".) They are now school children. And it doesn't make matters any better when, at lunch today, Nicole mentions that she misses being four (because she liked being at home and dancing). A couple more tears were let loose.
My little guys are heading towards so many new firsts- first day of school, first time their name gets on the board (for talking, no doubt! They are Ryan's and mine.), first best friend, first little crush which are wonderful and exciting but also freaky and intimidating. And school isn't quite what it was when we were there (24 years ago- Wow!). But I also trust in the Sovereign God who loves my children with greater love than even I can give. (And that's a lot of love!) And He has taken great care of them up to this day. I just need to keep remembering that!


imbrownie said...

Your faith as a Mom is what I love about you. God will not forget them, even though I can't imagine the feeling of dropping them off to what seems like the lions' den. They are safer than they could ever be in His care. Love you guys.

JessicaLeigh said...

This is so precious, Justine. I can only imagine (and most likely not well) how hard it is to see your first child (children, in your case!) go off to school for the first time. It's a monumental moment, for sure! You and Ryan have done a fantastic job at raising them so far, they are amazing kids! It can only get better from here. They may not be in your care all day anymore, but they are in God's. It will be just fine!

Unknown said...

What a sad moment. You are perfectly entitled to some tears. You're such a great momma!

Beth said...

First's are hard, but we learn so much from them! Hang in there!