"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat... " We've been listening to the Muppets' Christmas album (often) and that means Christmas is on it's way. It is a holiday I dearly love! There are many joyous memories of Christmas' past and I am truly cherishing the thrill of experiencing it through the eyes of my children now that they are old enough to "get it". They hunt out any house that has lights up an request that Dad drive via that route at night. They are excited to pick out just the right gift for their brother or sister. They are tickled that they get to cut out Christmas trees and gingerbread men at school. They took great joy in helping decorate the tree at home, remembering ornaments from years past. Great joy fills their eyes and their hearts!
However, it seems that the older I get, the less mysterious and joyful the holiday is for those surrounding me. Many adults complain about the over-commercialism that it has become and cast a dark, grey cloud over the entire festivities! They throw their hands up in defeat. Ryan and I read a news article about parents writing to toy companies, complaining about the company's "over-marketing to their children" asking that they refrain from that in this current economy. And Ryan said, "It's sad that we complain and try to control our circumstances rather than controlling ourselves." Yes, we can gripe about how corporate America has turned Christmas into an opportunity to balance the companies' budgets. But Christmas can be about SO much more, what it's supposed to be about- the joy of celebrating our Savior's birth. I'm not going to say that I don't like the presents; yes, the present are nice (especially since I'm a gift giver and LOVE having monies set aside to lavish tokens of love on my friends and relatives whereas we do not have that luxury throughout the year). But if you're "cheesed" by the commercialism of it all, move on past that! We, as believers, have a responsibility to enJOY this celebration- really, apart from Christ's resurrection, the only celebration worth taking part in! So, don't fall into the traps of holiday sales and don't let your woes about it all wear you down. We have great reason to celebrate and shout with joy! Do things with your family that becomes traditions- make paper chains, bake cookies, act out the accounts of Jesus' birth- that don't dip in the pocket book. Christmas does not have to center around the shopping mall. We can control ourselves even if we can't control our circumstances. Let's take great joy celebrating our Savior's birth and sharing that love with those around us.
Luke 2:10-But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.