Friday, August 7, 2009

Catchin' up

So, I don't know how many of you know that my wonderful husband has designed a website for my budding photography business. I've put up a blog of my photo sessions (families, weddings, children) on there. You can reach it at and check it out if you're interested.

Summer is rapidly coming to a close; only 1.5 more weeks until my little ones are officially first graders! They are super stoked but a little concerned that their kindergarten teacher isn't going to be their 1st grade teacher too... Guess I didn't really explain things well to them last year.

Nate is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday (yeah, only 5 days before school starts)- adenoidectomy and tonsilectomy. I'm a bit nervous (I never do well with big things like this; I was a mess when Lauren chopped her thumb off!) but I am glad to have it done. Poor boy had massive tonsils- they touch each other in the back of his throat- even when he's not sick! I'm hoping that it is greatly beneficial for him but not looking forward to the pain he'll be in. The drs. say it is not a fun recovery though it is only an outpatient procedure.

That's what's on our plate currently.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

10 Years

Last Friday, Ryan and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Ten years have come and gone; we were chatting about how it seems just like yesterday and yet forever ago. We can still remember the joy and giddiness of the day. It was beautiful; friends, family, flowers, formals! And yet in these last 10 years our love has grown, our friendship has deepened, and our relationship has been stretched and strengthened. God has blessed us with three amazing children who are growing up all too fast, a beautiful home that has been the place of many wonderful memories, and a ministry that encourages us and challenges us to continually look like Jesus (and not just on the outside). Over this past decade God's faithfulness to us has been abundant and consistent. I'm so glad I get to spend life with my man and that I get to be his one and only. So, thank you Lord! You picked a good one!! :) Here's to another 60 years!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I love Spring

Lately I've gotten to enjoy the blessings of spring... the beautiful flowers, the warm sunshine and the cute little birds in my yard. I'm so thankful that God created these things for our pleasure and to testify about him! What a Creator!!

Oh, and did I mention pudding cups? Thank God for pudding cups too!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Katie & Garrett

Two weeks ago I headed out to the Caldwell Park for my first engagement session. Garrett and Katie were such a great couple to shoot! The Lord graced us with beautiful weather (a sunny day amidst an extremely rainy February) that day. The couple's love for each other and joy for life are beautifully evident. I feel blessed to have had them for my first engagement session!! Here are some of their portraits.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ugly and Cheap

Last night some of my closest friends and I began a tradition: Cheap and Ugly night. Our husbands all came together and surprised all 7 of us. Ryan told me at 4pm Friday night that I needed to be ready at 6, be somewhat formally dressed and that some friends were showing up at 6pm to go out for the evening. I looked out the window at 5:55 and noticed a huge limo sitting in front of our house. The Shepards and Pagans gathered at our house and we climbed into the car. We stopped by the Robertson's house, picked up Cal and Jenae, and proceeded up to Redding in luxury. We pulled off at Cypress and the limo turned into Ross Dress for Less. That's where the fun really got going! (See, Erin and I love shopping at Ross and have seen things in the past that inspired the idea to have a contest with friends: the ugliest dress for the cheapest price! And that we'd then go out wearing our finds with our husbands.) We met up with the Claassens and the Knights at Ross and begun to hunt for our er, "beautiful" gowns. I have to say, seven of us girls in the dressing room trying on the most hideous things was hilarious! I love my girlfriends!! Note that my dress here actually has pockets! It's satin! Why does a satin dress need pockets?? After our men made our purchases, we went back to the dressing rooms to outfit for the night. We paraded up to the front in our stylish attire and climbed into the limo headed to dinner at Cattlemen's! There we met up with the Parodis and had a great time stuffing ourselves. At the end of the night we had a vote on the ugliest dress. Erin took it by a landslide!! And hers was one of the cheapest ones too- $6.99! I did get one vote but apparently my dress was not hideous enough! We then headed back to our house for brownies and games. All in all, a very memorable and hilarious night! I thank the Lord for great friendships. And wonderful husbands!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Years They Pass

Tonight, while flossing my son's teeth, I noticed that one of his bottom teeth is loose. For some reason this took me by surprise. When did my baby boy become a kid? Must have happened one night while I was sleeping. The next few years are going to be filled with goofy smiles and gaping holes. I'm being ushered all too quickly into this next stage... This year I turn 30- not so much a big deal to me than I thought it would be (we'll see what I say on THE day but that's my feeling now). The bigger deal? That my baby girl is turning 4 in one month. My youngest is four! No longer crawling and speaking jabber but is an articulate little girl. Wow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

As Promised

I said that I'd post some photos from the wedding this weekend. I'm not including any of the portraits (though they're my favorites) until the bride and groom get a chance to look at them. But here's what I can show you...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Beautiful Day

Well, I'm home after 9 hours of wedding photography and I am exhausted! But it was a wonderful day!! The bride and groom were beautiful! Their love for the Lord and for each other was an encouragement to all who were there. It was such a joy and privilege to be able to capture their beautiful moments. I got to work with my best friend and partner in crime- she was wonderful: creative, very helpful, assertive, supportive!! And though everything didn't go exactly as I'd hoped (our portraits were delayed 1 hour so we were a little crunched for time, I had to juggle with the lighting quite a bit, and I learned that there is much more to directing people than I'd thought to the job), I got some shots that I am very excited about and it was a joy to be a wedding photographer for the day. Thanks to many for your prayers! I'll place some photos up shortly...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I do

Some may know that I have been increasing my hobby of photography to include portrait shots for other families. This weekend the notch goes a little higher when I shoot (with the great help and talent of my best friend) my first wedding. I am very excited and completely nervous! I've enjoyed the "safe" water of family portraits because if they get botched (which has happened to me before) I can schedule a reshoot. However, we cannot simply "redo" anything for the wedding. I consider it a privilege to be able to this and am excited but my stomach is doing flips. (I believe I'll be more excited after things are said and done- the anxiety is primary currently.) But I am very inspired with this opportunity; my mind is imagining all sorts of settings and poses to capture the beautiful bride and groom. I have loved the creative "storm" I've had the last couple of days. So, we'll see how it goes. Everyone needs to start somewhere, right?

"Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry."- Tom Mullen