So, I'm still chugging along. God is growing me (though not necessarily as fast as I'd like... maybe he's sparing me from severe growing pains??). Lately, I've been contemplating what things I'd like to be known for... the things that first come to one's thoughts when thinking of me. I believe I know some of the immediate responses: organized, type A, debater, decent mom. And I'm also sure that I don't want to accept what some of the other immediate responses might be: stubborn, too type A, and others too criticizing to commit to text. But one characteristic I'd like to have more of is mercy. I am a very justice-based person; I believe people should not get away with injustice, either done to others or done against God. While that can be a good thing (certainly God values justice), it doesn't lend to extending grace and mercy (something that God greatly values and mentions SEVERAL times in the Bible). So currently I am trying to figure out what the appropriate balance is. I know that it is always better to error on the side of caution... would that be on the mercy side or justice side?? I also know that it is not mine to bring about judgment- that is something that should only be left to the One who made us and knows our hearts... So that is a bit of where I am. Certainly not arrived at the destination, but definitely on the journey there.

1 comment:
Beautiful children Justine, absolutely beautiful. And some good insights. I am really enjoying reading your blog!
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