The month of May carried with it some significant milestones. First it was Nathan and Nicole's birthday. They turned 5 years old this month. To me, that is amazing! Where did the years go? How did I get to be a mother to Kindergarteners?? I often look at them and can see their sweet little faces in the hospital the night they were born. I cannot believe that in less than 3 months, I will be dropping my children off for the first time at the classroom doors. You'd better believe that I'll be covering them in kisses and tearing up (that is if I can hold it together and not let loose until I get to the car!). And if that isn't enough for a mom to deal with, the day after their birthday Nicole says to me in all seriousness, "Mom, now that I'm five, can I drive the car?" I know this is gonna come way too soon!
Nate also finished up his last game of soccer this month. This was our families first introduction to organized sports- and Ryan's introduction to coaching. (Did I mention that Ryan didn't know much about soccer before the season started?) It was a new step in the life of our little family! Oh, boy- you

But what I think is the best part of this month is that Ryan and I celebrated our 9th anniversary on the 22nd. I consider myself very blessed to have this man call me his wife. I love being married to him; I love that he is my best friend; I love how he loves me! I love that I get to share life with him. I love that I continue to fall more in love with him through the days and weeks. I love our marriage!

Thank you God for blessing us so! You are quite amazing!!
Wow, sounds like a lot is happening in your family right now.
Happy Belated Anniversary, I still can remember writing all over your car the day you drove away from your wedding!
Enough of this PDA
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