Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Absense makes the heart grow fonder...

I'm alone. Ryan is in Mexico with the High School Students and I am here in the house with three (crazy) children. Nothing like those times to make you miss your best friend and love. Its interesting how you don't show appreciation for something until you lack it... I love how he makes dinner for our family when I have no ideas left in my mind. I love how he sends me out on Girl's Night when he can see I've had enough. I love how he calls me midday just to tell me he loves me and is thinking of me. He lets me sleep in on occasion. He helps pickup the house once the kids have gone to bed. He always is the one to pick up the dog doo (I hate that job!). He takes care of broken things around the house (p.s.- does anyone know how to fix a broken towel rack??) I love how he snuggles next to me to keep me warm. I love his tender kisses on the back of my neck while I'm doing the dishes. I love falling asleep talking about our day, telling him a funny story about our kids or even discussing which one's gonna be in charge of making breakfast the next morning. I miss him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are such a great testament to a healthy spirit-filled marriage. I think this is what God was talking about when he made Eve for Adam.
Being best friends is the only way to do it.