The summer months are incredibly busy! We are gearing up for Ryan's trip to Mexico (in less than 2 days) and have been trying to enjoy our warm summer days.

Today I had quite the rewarding aftern oon: the kids were playing in a little inflatable pool they got for their birthday and I reclined and read a book (I'm addicted to Harry Potter- I'm on book 5! Gotta have something to do while Ryan's gone, right?). Feeling the warm breeze roll over my skin as I get lost in another world is grand! It's hard not to feel guilty when you're laying there doing absolutely nothing, but it felt great!! There'll be time for laundry later... he, he.

Here are some recent pics I took- my sister is teaching me how to use the manual settings on my camera after I've owned it for almost 2 years. Pathetic, I know! (Thank you Rosetta!!) Maybe one day I'll be able to take some photography classes so I can pretend to know what I'm doing even more! I have started a flickr account, thanks to the encouragement of Erin, and that has given me lots of great ideas- as exampled with the lemons for eyes!

I also got to spend an afternoon with my adorable niece! She is so wonderful!! I love watching her grow and watching my sister be an awesome mother to her. It is amazing that it was only 2 years ago that I was there with Lauren- and yet we now seem so many years from that stage. Proof that we've got to appreciate the stage that they are in now and soak up as much memories as we can... That said, I'm gonna go play some Barbies with the girls!

Miss Myra lights up
every time you start to sing "Patty-Cake" and starts doing the moves. How can you not smile?
Those pics are great! Fun to see you guys today, stop bye anytime. Tell Nicole that I'll have a lot more for her to do in a few weeks (maybe months...)
Love ya!
Call me next week if you are free
You made it sound like I knew what I was doing with a camera. Ha! I'll happily pass on any new info I come up with. Especially if you keep taking awesome pictures of Myra. You are hired.
Great pictures, Justine. I have heard lemons are a good astringent for the face. Hug them all and tell them uncle Brownie loves them.
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