Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yesterday I found out how I did at the fair. As always the ones that I think are going to be great don't do anything, and the ones I think are "eh" win... go figure. These are my entries:

First place- 2007 Fair

Third Place- Farm Animals

I didn't win anything for the rest of these but thought you might like to see them:

Abstract(Lots of entries of the bridge here)

Children(The one that won on in this category was funny-
a little girl holding a frog in each hand; very cute!)

Flowers(This is one category that I didn't understand the judges decision)

Portraits and Character Studies

Still Life
(One of the winners for still life was balloons- that one confused me BIG time!
They move! Quite the opposite of still!!)

Water(Some beautiful water shots were there!!)


There were some awesome photos this year! It's fun looking at other people's creativity and admiring the beauty God created that they captured. But oddly enough, some of the second place winners I thought were better than the first place winners; and there were some there that didn't even place but looked much better than the first or second places... that is why I say that the judging was odd. (Not just me, but Ryan and Erin agreed too!) And I'm not saying this out of bitterness, that mine should have won- the ones that I thought were better were complete strangers to me. I think that they need to have the judges on-site at the fair so they can defend their decisions- some of them I just really didn't understand so any insight would have helped. Erin and I want to be the judges next year; we'd set it straight! ;)

So, there you go. Shasta County Fair 2008- not the ones I was thinking, but content anyway. If you have the time you should go look and appreciate the very beautiful images.


Rosetta Borgic said...

I hadn't seen the one of Nate in the puddle. Awesome pic!
Good job on all. I was sure you were going to win.
What do you know, I am always right!

imbrownie said...

i love the one with nate looking at the ladybug on his forehead. i love those kids.

Unknown said...

Good job Justine- I had no idea you were such a photographer. I REALLY liked the ferris wheel that won (even if it wasn't your favorite) and the "still life" photo. Very cool.

Do you do kid pics and family photos for others? I might have to keep you in mind ;)

the Wildauers said...

I have done portraits for some Seniors and a family before (as well as my kids who are sick of the camera). I'm no professional, but I enjoy doing it!!