I said that I'd post some photos from the wedding this weekend. I'm not including any of the portraits (though they're my favorites) until the bride and groom get a chance to look at them. But here's what I can show you...
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15. Our family is pretty spectacular; wonderful husband who enjoys hanging out with high school students, his family and making things out of wood; a caring wife who loves her days at home with her kids, enjoys the challenge of taking a good photograph and the results of organizing and cleaning; twin boy (who loves soccer) and girl (who loves being a princess) siblings that are growing up so very fast and a gorgeous little independent girl two short years behind them. God has blessed us abundantly.
well done Justine! What are you doing several years from now? Wanna do my wedding?? :) :)
Beautiful! I can't wait to see the rest, great job!
Well! Now that I know you're in the wedding business.... ;)
You did great!! I can't wait to see the rest!
Amazing! Nice work ... my wife would be jealous and impressed.
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